Home Grandma's Posies A sign of the times
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One day, as I reflected on the ways of this world,

I realized the answers were all in his word.

Four hidden dynasties started long ago,

It was plain to me they seemed to rule the show.

We struggle in our homes, in our streets, in our nations.

All these times recorded in His word for edification!

His word is like reading a daily paper or one from any nation,

yet, do we return for guidance from the father of creation?

Don’t buy what they’re sellin’ it’s their job it’s their pay!

Learn the power of forgiveness, learn the one and only way!

Let us consider the standard of living as we face each day,

and the reasons this world has gone astray.

Now revealed the way these work are on the edge of derision,

Politics, economics, education, and religion!

Politics, seem to rule this land, makin’ fools of all men, and the evil men grin.

Economics, wastes the home and the fam, worse than it’s ever been, how long can we hang 10

Education is like a starved orphan, so many don’t see them, His children cry to Him!

Religion, as in the eyes of man, it’s such a scant portion! Who does it profit? Them!

Wonder why the word of God is not sincerely read?

It’s never chapter by chapter, just talkin ‘bout life instead.

The living word’s alive for the faithful and true,

“ It is written, haven’t you read it?” I can read and I do!

He tells us many times “Beware of false teachers”

Coming in His name, just tryin’ to fill up the bleachers!

If we remember Him and talk to Him, then He will listen,

Christianity is reality, and never a religion!

Don’t buy what they’re sellin’, it’s their job it’s their pay.

Learn the power of forgiveness, learn the one and only way!

Just consider His word, and get ready for the battle!

Give Him thanks and honor Him, though the days ahead they rattle!

Have full confidence and know He’s already won the show,

and that our true reality comes next for you and me!

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