Home Grandma's Posies The best video game
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As we play our video games and play the roles we choose each day,

we create our character settings at the start of the games we play,

and as we move along our set path, following rules and hopefully Gods’ vision,

we choose to be a hero that conquers or we choose to be an evil villian.


The rules state clearly, one has on-going life, and the other is forever forgotten,

one lives to glorify the good of Christ, and the other falls to corruption and is rotten.

A video game can be used as an example, giving each of us our choices.

But in the reality of our earthly plane few listen to the wisdom of the prophets’ voices.


He that is of God, heareth Gods’ voice, to His voice they will always listen.

So what are you of? Does that sound absurd, the answer is in His word and given.

In the game of the flesh we’re given Gods rules, to learn and follow before we begin,

just as that video game, or the statured role that we play, we are all hoping to win.


So, beware my friend, follow Gods’ rules, as they are firm but simple and few.

Repent, ask for forgiveness and keep Him close, never part, as you traverse through.

Use the wisdom He Has given to finish this race, this fleshly game, this domain.

Thank Him for reawakening His child of light, for Gods’ truth is the best video game.

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