Home Grandma's Posies Let us pray to Him
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This world of ours is changing, that, no one can deny!

The times of terrible trouble will soon arrive in the blink of an eye!

Wait for the time appointed, don’t be fooled when Satan comes

in his role of anti-christ, another name for perditions son.


He’ll be singing of his praises, peace, and goodwill to those unaware,

be watchful, be patient, be longsuffering! God alone is just and fair!

The mystery from the beginning, now revealed so all may see,

he is the corruptor, the defiler, the destroyer, the adversary!


Seeking capital gain was the original main frame,

Satan set us up with his lies, it’s really he who is insane!

The people are in pain, the children have lost their name,

the people stood for good, but the rulers became lame!


This is the ground floor of mens’ societies.

What has become in the days we live in, is pure insanity!

All at once! Now! It will happen! Overtime it has become!

Just tell our brother Jesus you seek Gods’ will, then Gods’ will be done!


Becoming a new creature, a child of light, with a new name.

Jesus Christ our brother is waiting, God is hoping you will claim

the love our father gives us, it never changes, he’s our friend!

Oh! That they would think of me and consider their latter end!


As it was in the time of Eygpt, so shall it be in the time of the end!

Thank you father! Strengthen your children! Lead us to victory!

Let us pray to Him!

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