Home Grandma's Posies His point of view
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I want you to consider the origins of discoveries

and the impact it has had on this old world.

How we’ve now found many can be

directly linked to the Bible

, the divine instruction of God’s words.

  We have all been  programmed

by our experience and our surroundings

, and the level of faith we can receive, this is true.

Acknowledged by our most respected religions

and the elite of the science, even theory world too.

   So, now consider these words are right and true

and justice will be served to repentant folks who,

follow the teachings and all the clues that are revealed within

, His word, this fraction of the love for His children.

   The story that is in the stars from beginning to end

Lucifer, acting as satans will, returning and then,

the final arrival of our dearest friend Gods only begotten son

, returns and will rule and be living with us again .

           So remember that Y O U  should surround yourself friend

with the complete volume of Gods’ healing  words

and FIND in the end that with faith and courage in Him

you are unique, He know and listens to you! Your every word .

           He can never fail, prevailing triumphant, always friend

take time to believe in Him for the healing is hidden within.

His wonderful letter written and sent directly to you,

all tidy and neat, won’t you read it!  Or, what will you do?

    Just remember that all of these choices my friends were given to you

, given out of love but it all really all depends what you do

, with each breath you take, with each act you make and then

how  you repent and  thank your heavenly father at every days end!

       IF you believe that his love is all encompassing and for you

, individually,and you are his child of light, and His love is certain and true

then be sure that you  believe that the King of Righteousness, everyday

will be the victor over the evil, He is brilliant and standing righteously  over all in every way.

     He is our loving father who will bless the faithful children

who kept his fire burning hot , so…… what will you do friend and then

when He returns, what will you say you knew?

He’ll see His troops that he left standing strong and opening the flew

to make the truth alit with flame of righteousness and witnessing for HIM and His point of view.

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