Home Grandma's Posies He is pleased
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God tells us; to put on His armor

and get ready to do battle,

with the elements of evil,

when the drunken world gets more unstable.


If the  rattle finally cracks?  What would you do  then?

Our shield of strength, will conquer evil

God has power over the devil,

and we can claim it with the mindset  on Christ Jesus, He’s our friend,


  the real winner, not the deceiver,the vain acheiver, the non- believer,

but the King of Kings, the Righteous everlasting, find Him, fit into His plan

and then have that conversation,  ask forgiveness ,repent  ask pardon

and having a personal conversation  be counted among the happiest of men.


Give obedience to His word, and read it  following His master plan!

This will definitely lead to the place you know that you belong my friend.

He created all for His pleasure then in moved the treachery,

but never worry, wear the armor He gave you , with Christs’ return you gain victory.


He has been patient and longsuffering and now the time will be when,

all will be renewed and the light of His love will  warm our hearts

as we watch and plant seeds during this time of insanity.

He observes all and is delighted and  pleased you finally seeSmile

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