Home Grandma's Posies Unconditionally
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We are all beings from our creator, living on a plane of reality,


and through trials and tribulations, some beings learn how to be free.


God is the father of all of the  children, learn HE loves each single one,


stay in His counsel, learn you are His daughter, read His letter,  learn you are His son.


Don’t judge another,  let Fathers’ letter become a daily exercise.


Learning to live in light and forgive, learn His purpose because He is wise,


learn there is no one in the universe like you , He needed you to complete His design.


So……… don’t hesitate there’s  just no time to waste.  He forgives, don’t tell Him any lies.


He is, hoping, watching, waiting, expecting, the love that, He gives freely,


will be returned in quiet prayer to Him through His beloved son, when you realize He loves you  unconditionally.

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